The increasing power of Facebook

After many years promoting and managing online marketing campaigns primarily using Google AdWords, we have now switched to using Facebook Ad campaigns. The analytics are good and the cost of acquisition lower for our clients in some cases. There is still a strong case for using websites and AdWords although we now suggest using the blog format to facilitate comments. Marketing has moved towards developing a community that provides useful feedback on goods or services. Criticism can be useful and response time is faster using comments on FB and blogs. The platforms also provide valuable information about your likers and commenters that can be used to better tailor our clients goods and services. I conduct research on how creative types are using FB by accumulating friends to a personal profile. Have a look!


Vomail said…
Platforms and valuable information suggested to all the clients according to their needs is definitely a great thing. Even the suitable data oriented approach by facebook ads management Los Angeles is accumulating sellers and buyers together from various places. Facilitating content is also useful.

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